Stay informed. Stay ahead.

We believe that the aviation industry needs to grow through the pandemic. Those that are too fragile or remain the same will lose out or perish. 

We want to help you grow by attending our monthly briefings.


  • 45 min briefing

    Each monthly briefing starts with a ‘deep dive’ into one focus topic.

  • Topic of the month

    Topics can range from COVID-19 testing, sanitisation, policies during the pandemic, consumer confidence, dealing with vaccines and the post-pandemic landscape.

  • Q&A session

    Each briefing will then be followed by a Q&A session and bespoke briefings for your business.


  • Dirk Singer

    Dirk Singer

    Senior Consultant & AMM Editor

    The briefings are led by Dirk Singer, who has been leading SimpliFlying’s cutting edge research efforts including the Aviation Marketing Monthly and the COVID AvDaily Newsletter, both of which have published over 100 editions till date. Dirk has an agency background, has worked with SimpliFlying’s airline and airport clients globally and is possibly the world’s foremost expert on COVID-19 testing in travel and sustainability issues.


  • $29.00 / month with 1 month free trial

    $29.00 / month with 1 month free trialSimpliFlying COVID AvMonthly

    ✓ Cancel anytime
    subscribe now
  • $299.00 / year with 1 month free trial

    $299.00 / year with 1 month free trialSimpliFlying COVID AvMonthly

    ✓ Save 30% ✓ Slack Channel Membership
    subscribe now

Schedule a 1:1 Briefing

✓ Tailored to your needs ✓ Exclusively for your team


The Importance of Testing briefing begins in...

We have limited spaces, so sign-up before its too late

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Future COVID AvMonthly Briefings

Join our future sessions

  • 1st October 2020

    Topic: Dealing with a part vaccinated world in 2021

    Time: 10am ET / 2pm GMT.

  • 5th November 2020

    Topic announced 2 weeks before

    Topic will be at least 2 weeks before the session, as we strive to provide the most relevant and updated content during COVID-19. Potential topics: Sanitisation, Policies during the pandemic, Consumer confidence.

  • 3rd December 2020

    Topic announced 2 weeks before

    TopicTopic will be at least 2 weeks before the session, as we strive to provide the most relevant and updated content during COVID-19. Potential topics: Sanitisation, Policies during the pandemic, Consumer confidence.